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Site design steps by Artofacks1 from DQS

[ 2006-02-02 09:49:34 | Author: liuhuan ]
1) Site Map (all text no visuals) Typed out in word.
2) I make a visual blueprint of the site map to see the over all linking and what page is first, next Normally in a thumbnail size.
3) Wire frame. I do a detailed real size blueprint . Each page gets printed out on an individual sheet , than i lay out on wall.
4) plug and play the information into the wire. (note no design of interface ...


Wonderful Flash in-out effect in html pages~

[ 2006-01-29 13:59:06 | Author: liuhuan ]
This meta could redirect new page fluently make the whole html site looks like a full flash site.
<meta http-equiv="Page-Enter" content="blendTrans(Duration=2)">

Yan, Zheng win China's first grand slam title

[ 2006-01-27 21:10:23 | Author: liuhuan ]

Zheng Jie and Yan Zi became China's first grand slam winners on Friday, upsetting top seeds Lisa Raymond and Samantha Stosur in the Australian Open women's doubles final.

Google analytics

[ 2006-01-24 08:53:27 | Author: liuhuan ]
Yesterday I got the invitation of Google analytics and started to use it in my homepage.The reports of Google analytics system are exhaustive and complex including every aspects you can image. Even it could draw a map which shows the cities of the world visited your site in a rather distinct way. Now google analytics could create 5 profiles in an account.

