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No5's new T-shirt Design by Qiaojia07

[ 2005-05-19 22:40:24 | Author: liuhuan ]
No5's 4th anniversary will be held on June.18th.The T-shirt design is a part of this anniversary.Qiaojia07 presents these great works to us:


Works for BrightDairy

[ 2005-05-18 13:00:42 | Author: liuhuan ]
Currently the BI interface programme was finally accepted by BrightDairy.view at:


This work has lasted for about 2 months.Comparing with the SONY programme,I found it much harder to design asp+oracle in .net environment in the current programme as I haven't known much ...


My blog set up

[ 2005-05-17 23:49:02 | Author: liuhuan ]
Thanks for Billy's kindly help!!The L-blog was chosen for that it is in asp.It took me about 4 hours in the night to changing its out-looking into the style I liked.Now,it seems better.

Tom and Daisy

[ 2005-05-17 20:52:53 | Author: liuhuan ]
The first mainland design website picked by FWA!!!view:


Prepare for graffiti painting

[ 2005-05-17 00:02:48 | Author: liuhuan ]
Xinl suggested painting graffiti outdoors.I felt that ruins on the Tong Pu Road is super fit!

Min Hang district of ECNU

[ 2005-05-15 22:02:27 | Author: liuhuan ]
Dark in the night,the light on the road was lonely......

A tour to Xitang

[ 2005-05-15 21:37:17 | Author: liuhuan ]
Got up early in the morning for this journey.I've had many chances to go to Xitang.However,by many reason,I 'd never been there.Before we got to Xitang,we arrived at Chen Yun's memorial hall.I found myself numb to see anything.Later we came to Xitang,enjoyed lunch in a bad serviced restaurant.On our way back,the bus was broken.
