Works for BrightDairy

[ 2005-05-18 13:00:42 | Author: liuhuan ]
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Currently the BI interface programme was finally accepted by BrightDairy.view at:


This work has lasted for about 2 months.Comparing with the SONY programme,I found it much harder to design asp+oracle in .net environment in the current programme as I haven't known much about how the Microstrategy works.The most hard thing was the result tree which was so complex to judge and make it layouted.However,the job has a good end.
[Last Modified By liuhuan, at 2005-05-20 23:39:33]
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Quote morphia_king
[ 2005-05-19 22:35:12 ]
Quote duijiu
[ 2005-05-19 23:38:05 ]
Thank you brother~~~~~Wish you happy!!!!!!!If you have time I give you the source code and you can modify it:)

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