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Simple Maya Fire tut

[ 2006-04-29 13:50:21 | Author: liuhuan ]
I write this simple tut to show the fire effect in maya. Wish you like it;)


Maya fire used in flash

[ 2006-04-29 09:31:51 | Author: liuhuan ]
Studing Maya these days and found it's convinience to export effects like fire, sky ,cloud, ocean and many more cool effects. Below it the basic fire effect in maya.

Cool site

[ 2006-04-28 08:09:04 | Author: liuhuan ]

worn parchment paper by cornoncob from DQS

[ 2006-04-26 10:08:49 | Author: liuhuan ]
by cornoncob :
I know there's already tons of these parchment tutorials floating around on the web and on these forums, but I'd like to think mine has something that the others don't