incredible as3 loader: bulk-loader

[ 2009-05-30 16:40:03 | Author: liuhuan ]
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bulk-loader is a library for managing multiple loadings with Actionscript 3 (AS3).

download here:
homepage of the developer:

 import flash.display.*;

 public class SimpleExampleMain extends MovieClip{
 public var loader : BulkLoader;
 public var v : Video;
 public var counter : int = 0;

 // simple example with few features
 // it takes a long time to download everything, it's over 17 mb
 public function SimpleExampleMain() {
 // creates a BulkLoader instance with a name of "main-site", that can be used to retrieve items without having a reference to this instance
 loader = new BulkLoader("main-site");
 // set level to verbose, for debugging only
 loader.logLevel = BulkLoader.LOG_INFO;
 // now add items to load
 // simplest case:
 // use an "id" so the item can be retrieved later without a reference to the url
 loader.add("", {id:"bg"});
 // add an item that should be loaded first (higher priority):
 loader.add("", {priority:20, id:"config-xml"});
 // add a video, and force it to load paused
 loader.add("", {maxTries:6, id:"the-video", pausedAtStart:true});
 // of course, options can be combined:
 loader.add("", {"id":"soundtrack", maxTries:1, priority:100});
 // dispatched when ALL the items have been loaded:
 loader.addEventListener(BulkLoader.COMPLETE, onAllItemsLoaded);
 // dispatched when any item has progress:
 loader.addEventListener(BulkLoader.PROGRESS, onAllItemsProgress);
 // now start the loading
 public function onAllItemsLoaded(evt : Event) : void{
 trace("every thing is loaded!");
 // attach the vídeo:
 var video : Video = new Video();
 // get the nestream from the bulkloader:
 var theNetStream : NetStream = loader.getNetStream("the-video");
 video.y = 300;
 // grab the images
 // you can get the content from the url:
 var bitmapCats : Bitmap = loader.getBitmap("")
 bitmapCats.width = 200;
 bitmapCats.scaleY = bitmapCats.scaleX;
 // you can get by the id as well (easier):
 var bitmapShoes : Bitmap = loader.getBitmap("bg")
 bitmapShoes.width = 200;
 bitmapShoes.scaleY = bitmapShoes.scaleX;
 bitmapShoes.x = 220;
 // get the sound:
 var soundtrack : Sound = loader.getSound("soundtrack");;
 // get an xml file!
 var theXML : XML = loader.getXML("config-xml");
 // this evt is a "super" progress event, it has all the information you need to
 // display progress by many criterias (bytes, items loaded, weight)
 public function onAllItemsProgress(evt : BulkProgressEvent) : void{
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