
[ 2004-01-13 16:43:38 | Author: liuhuan ]
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The mist is thick in the cold morning and the bus from Wuding hardly found its way to Kunming.Farewell my little house,and farewell Xiangshui.When I got to Huangtupo Station in Kunming I "idling" on the noisy street and looked into some small cd shop.There I bought some software disks including flash(flash mx 2004) and photoshop(photoshop cs 8.0).It`s just painful to download software from slow resource sites in the webbar before I wanted to make use of them and all I need is properly a disk.I returned to Xichang by K114 at nearly 10:20 in the night.Mother was waiting for me at the gate of the 301 community.
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