Interesting Post

[ 2005-09-09 12:13:01 | Author: liuhuan ]
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From DQS posted by Enigmax with title "The price of GAS and tea in China!"
Well obviously this post has nothing to do with the price of tea in China, and all those of us in the States know that the price of Gasoline is now where near the price of tea

I filled up the tank in my Jeep this afternoon and it cost me $56 USD. The price is currently $3.19 a gallon for 87 octane and still rising.

Now granted, I'm not one of those fanatics, or thrive on conspiracy theory's, but in my personal opinon the whole "gas situation" going on in the US is a crock of.....well horse poop? (You all though I was going to say shit didn't you ).

17% of gasoline used in the U.S. is Domestic fuel. That leaves 83% as imported right? So maybe some politicians, as crooked and money hungary as they are, could explain why gas has jumped over $1 in about 3 days?

Ohhh that's right, it's because of Hurrican Katrina right? And not to down play the effects of the hurrican, but to blame the price of gas on recent events is a scape goat if you ask me. Actually, the last time I checked, it was against the U.S. Law to raise the price of gasoline due to a natural disaster. So that pretty much takes that out of the picture.

Exon/Mobile's net profit rose 4 billion dollars from last quarter. Hmmm...obviously someone's benefiting from the insane price of gasoline, and it sure isn't the American Citizens.

The rich get richer, the fat get fatter, and us normal people get shafted.

God Bless the US! Land of the Free and Home of the Brave (but only on certain days).

Ok, I'm done venting. I promise! Trust me, I'm not anti-american or anything remotely close. It's just frustrating to see the faith we put in our government taken for ignorance and hurting the very people it's empowered to look after.

Anyone else have any thoughts?
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