
[ 2005-06-14 12:48:59 | Author: liuhuan ]
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Flashout is eclipse plugin for view and logging SWF in eclipse. It is great addition if you use eclipse Actionscript 2 plugin and MTASC compiler.(Bad news - now Flashout 0.2 works only in eclipse 3.1 and java 5.)

Learn more: http://www.potapenko.com/flashout/
Comments Feed Comments Feed: http://www.liuhuan.com/blog/feed.asp?q=comment&id=173

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Quote eddiechou
[ 2005-06-14 20:31:17 ]
What for?
I don't understand the class flashout.as
Quote liuhuan
[ 2005-06-15 19:35:06 ]
A plugin software for flash compile.It seems that many foreign designer are using this in flash developing....

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