How many "Chu Zhang" are there in ECNU

[ 2005-06-08 23:28:00 | Author: liuhuan ]
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Pan and Wu talked about the moral education conference of ECNU held this afternoon when we were having hot-pot in the "shepherd". Wu said that Yang told him there were over 200 "Chu Zhang"(director of a department) in ECNU,which was an amazing number.Pan counted many of the "Chu Zhang" in different departments and said that a new worker could spent 16 years and 3 monthes to be a "Chu Zhang" in ECNU.Also,it seems that there are more directors than worker in many department of ECNU.
[Last Modified By liuhuan, at 2005-06-08 23:33:26]
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Quote peggy*
[ 2005-06-11 09:24:50 ]
dunt have a clear idea about such things....always be puzzled by the titles....but it occurs to me that really there r so many deans,directors,chiefs or wutever on the campus. anyway, share the same thought with u in a sense.
Quote liuhuan
[ 2005-06-12 10:39:27 ]
Yes it should be called director. [sweat] haaa

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